Time to smell the roses?

Well here I am again for my weekly splurge.
Time deprived to the max. But aren’t we all? And if I am guessing right, you probably don’t even have time to read this post.
When I was younger, time deprivation wasn’t heard of. I never felt like I didn’t have time to fit things in. In fact I would go as far to say that everyone in my younger life never seemed to worry about time as they do now. Yes there were deadlines at work, social events to engage in, a house to upkeep, relationships to nurture, family to attend and hobbies to embrace, but still there was always time.
So where is all of our surplus time going? Are we lacking time because we have matured and gained additional responsibility? Yet my laid-back grand folk were mature and laden with responsibility.
I feel that society’s expectations have risen. Everything from home cooked meals to effecting insurance policies is expected to be complete within 10 minutes. The faster the output, the more money is made by corporations because we, as consumers, demand it.
Okay I don’t want to come across as ungrateful for the amazing technological advancements available to us, but are we, as a human race, keeping up? Computers are getting faster with additional memory. With age, humans slow down with decreased memory. Last time I checked, computers are largely still operated by humans. However we are the ones running around (or clicking around on a computer screen) trying to meet everyone’s (including our own) high expectations because technology allows us.
What I have learnt is to simply stop… just for a moment and smell the roses – literally if you have a garden because when was the last time you spent an afternoon pottering around the veggie patch? Believe it or not, just by doing this, you are buying some time back. And everybody else will just have to wait, after all, they could probably do with some spare time too.