We’ve got a case of the Netflix

Yeah you read right – we’ve got a case of the Netflix! And I think that’s ok…
Chad and I have recently commenced our free trial with the ever increasingly popular movie and TV show online streaming service and can freely admit; we’re already addicted! What is more noteworthy, is that we don’t ordinarily watch much television. I’m not saying that we do now; but when we do – oh it’s good.
So why is Netflix so super-excellent? Well pretty much because of the following:
- There are ultra affordable monthly plans – for instance the two-stream high definition plan is no more than $12 per month;
- The sign-up process is so simple, you could do it in your sleep (not that you’ll be sleeping much once you sign up due to the inescapable TV episode binge watching sessions);
- You can get a taste for what’s on offer by starting Netflix’s one month free trial (no catches here);
- There are zero commercials – zip. This is probably one of our favourite Netflix benefits. No ads, means you can really immerse yourself into the great content;
- Netflix is not only available just on your telly, but also from any other device that is connected to the internet e.g. your iPad, desktop, mobile etc..;
- Your favourite TV shows and movies can be watched at any time and as many times as you want. You don’t even have to move from your sofa once an episode has ended; the next ep. will just continue to play within a matter of seconds (further binge session alert);
- The original content. Sure Netflix doesn’t have every popular show known to man, but it does showcase some of the most engaging television around exclusively made for Netflix viewers;
- Multiple user profiles linked to a single subscription enabling everybody in the household to benefit from Netflix’s tailored viewing preferences and recommendations.
Ok that ought to do it for now… after all, it’s high time we got back on the sofa and settle in for Season 2 of Orange is the New Black.